Hi all. Thanks to Cawa for forwarding the slideset from the meeting we attended. We didn't have time to discuss this in our meeting today, but here are a couple of additional points regarding the STARBURST process this year (issues that we are often curious about):
-hard deadline Feb 21
-as usual, there is no firm budget or funding percentage they can report
-they are not sure if STEM initiative funding will augment the budget
-they are planning for equal funding percentages for applicants to the two programs (STAR vs. BURST)
Michael S. Mayer, Ph.D.
(he, him, his)
Professor, Biology Department University of San Diego
San Diego, CA 92110Office: Shiley Science (SCST) 434
Office Hours (SCST): T 1:30-3:30 pm, W 1:30-3:30 pm, Th 11-12 noon, and by appt.