Hi folks, At long last, I have a full draft of our self study for your review and comments. This is what will set the stage for our department review, so I want to know if I have represented your concerns effectively. Appendices are listed but have not been developed yet; your comments may affect what data we choose to present. The review is organized to respond to a series of prompts that we were given. The prompts are all copied in the report, so you should be able to know what I'm going on about at any given moment. If you don't have time to review the whole thing, please be sure to look over the Overview of Special Issues on pg 6-7, and the Reflection and goals on pg 19-20. I'd be grateful to anyone who can look this over before the students come back later this week and start needing our attention. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Qpok5Mb6PwaDuJp0riQXCmMev0qO5eix/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=109487784336544834288&rtpof=true&sd=true -- *Adam Haberman* Associate Professor of Biology University of San Diego Shiley Center for Science and Technology 476 Pronouns: He/Him ■ What's in a pronoun? https://www.keshetonline.org/resources/whats-in-a-pronoun/ Fall 2024 Office Hours: MF 9-10:30, Th 9-11 619-260-4076 ■ ahaberman@sandiego.edu