Hi everyone, 

I apologize for the late notice. Capstone presentations start tomorrow and will continue every Monday and Friday until the last week of classes. 

Here is a link to a Google Sheet containing the capstone schedule for this fall semester. If you want to advertise any of these seminars in your classes or with your students, you can find the capstone fliers in this Google Folder

The Google Sheet and the Drive folder are associated with our Shared Bio Folder so everyone can access the files there, too. 

Wilnelia Recart González, Ph.D. (she/her/ella)
Assistant Professor
Department of Biology
University of San Diego
Office Location: Shiley Center for Science and Technology (SCST) 372
Lab Location: Shiley Center for Science and Technology (SCST) 348
Virtual Office Hours: https://sandiego.zoom.us/my/recart
Booking an Advising Meeting: https://calendar.app.google/RDsCcwjFijYNHFAr6 
Phone Number: 619-260-4031
** Hablo español **