Hi everyone,
The Biology Department is offering two classes during intersession:
*BIOL 300, Genetics:* Genetics is a fundamental part of all areas of modern
biological research. In this course, you will learn how genes are inherited
and regulated, how genes change, and how changes in genes result in changes
in traits. You will discover how these topics relate to the material you
learned in previous courses, and how they are applied to questions of human
health and modern research. Please email ahaberman(a)sandiego.edu with any
questions. (CRN 59: MTWRF 9 am to 11:50 am)
*BIOL 494, Bioinformatics:* Are you looking to advance your computer skills
and learn a practical skill you can use in research and your career? Take
Bioinformatics this January! Look for BIOL494: Special Topics in Biology.
This is a two-credit class, and even though it is listed as a lecture, it
will mostly be project based. You will learn about genome sequencing
technologies, phylogenetics, protein function prediction, and differential
expression analysis. Please email chyland(a)sandiego.edu if you have any
questions. (CRN 60: MTWR & F 1/10 only 1 pm to 3:10 pm)
Please let us know if you have any questions!
Best regards,
*Melanie Writer*
Executive Assistant, Biology Department
University of San Diego