March Web Tip: Directory Maintenance and Diligence
Over the past month, we have received several questions regarding the directory management system (DMS) and the process in which profiles are updated. In this month's web tip we wanted to help answer those questions and provide some friendly reminders as well.
Directory Management System (DMS) Brief Overview
The DMS provides schools and departments the ability to have their own site specific directories, and not to solely rely on the main USD directory. On these site directories, maintainers can display profiles by tagging them with the correct role/permission. Please note that maintainers should only tag profiles that are in the same department(s) that they maintain. Maintainers have the ability to update profile information, such as the biography and education fields.
For a complete DMS guide, including step-by-step instructions and further details, please click here to learn more.
Profile Information
All profile records start off with the generic "Employee Record" information (title, name, department, email, office, position, etc.). That Employee Record information would be handled by Human Resources. There are additional profile fields that are handled by maintainers within the DMS.
Here is a great starting point if you wish to explore an update to Employee Record information, otherwise we would refer you to Human Resources.
Directory Photos
University Web Services handles the uploading of profile photos - maintainers do not have access to update profile photos. If you wish to have a profile photo updated, please attach that photo to a web request and it will be posted as soon as possible.
Profiles Requiring Updates or Contain Incorrect Information
Over time, new or outdated profiles will need to be updated - and all profile updates are performed by directory maintainers. If you may not know who the directory maintainers are for your school or department, feel free to submit a web request and we are glad to help refer you to a point of contact.
If you notice that a profile contains incorrect information, directory maintainers would be able to rectify and update as needed.
A Note for Directory Maintainers:
If a profile is displaying on multiple school or department directories, maintainers for each respective area also have access to the profile. If you notice that a profile is continually updated incorrectly, please remember that other maintainers may have access (other maintainers in your area OR in other schools and departments, if the profile is also listed there). If you find that to be a reoccuring issue, please submit a web request so that our team can assist.
If you have any questions please let us know via our online web request form.
Thank you,
University Web Services